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ChessBase Magazine 208
Référence : 112634ChessBase Magazine 208 (Juillet-Aout 2022). ChessBase Magazine is the most comprehensive and most sophisticated chess magazine there is. World class players analyze their brilliancies and explain the ideas behind the moves to you, opening specialists present the latest trends in opening theory and offer exciting ideas for your repertoire. Master trainers in the fields of tactics, strategy, and the endgame show you the tricks and techniques a successful tournament player needs! DVD with several hours of video + booklet.
ChessBase Magazine 208 (Juillet-Aout 2022). ChessBase Magazine is the most comprehensive and most sophisticated chess magazine there is. World class players analyze their brilliancies and explain the ideas behind the moves to you, opening specialists present the latest trends in opening theory and offer exciting ideas for your repertoire. Master trainers in the fields of tactics, strategy, and the endgame show you the tricks and techniques a successful tournament player needs! DVD with several hours of video + booklet.
Content (among other things):
ust click and enjoy! European Individual Championship 2022: Analyses of the new Champion Matthias Blübaum as well as of Gabriel Sargissian, Ivan Saric, Ruslan Ponomariov, Aryan Tari, Ivan Cheparinov, Rasmus Svane, Yuriy Kuzubov, Maxime Lagarde and others - Absolute recommendation: Jan Markos' new video series "Practical Tips for the Tournament Player" with the first training unit on "Time Management"! - Are you looking for a fighting concept against the Trompowsky? In her opening article Petra Papp suggests 1.d4 Nf6 2.Bg5 c5!? - "Special" on the FIDE World Championship 1997: exclusive collection of 22 games with detailed commentary + articles on strategy and endgame highlights - Or get directly into interactive training with Robert Ris and replay a current master game "Move by Move" with video feedback!
European Championship 2022: Matthias Blübaum celebrated the greatest success of his career so far by winning the European Championship. The new champion comments on two of his games as well as the winners of the silver and bronze medals, Gabriel Sargissian and Ivan Saric. Plus analyses of many other players, including Ruslan Ponomariov, Aryan Tari, Ivan Cheparinov, Rasmus Svane, Yuriy Kuzubov, Maxime Lagarde and others.
Fiche technique
- Langue(s) :
- Anglais
- Éditeur :
- Chessbase
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