ChessBase Magazine 196
  • ChessBase Magazine 196
  • ChessBase Magazine 196
  • ChessBase Magazine 196
  • ChessBase Magazine 196

ChessBase Magazine 197

Référence : 110096
20,00 €

ChessBase Magazine 197 (Septembre-Octobre 2020). ChessBase Magazine is the most comprehensive and most sophisticated chess magazine there is. World class players analyze their brilliancies and explain the ideas behind the moves to you, opening specialists present the latest trends in opening theory and offer exciting ideas for your repertoire. Master trainers in the fields of tactics, strategy, and the endgame show you the tricks and techniques a successful tournament player needs! DVD with several hours of video + booklet.Also available for download including the booklet in pdf!


ChessBase Magazine 197 (Septembre-Octobre 2020). ChessBase Magazine is the most comprehensive and most sophisticated chess magazine there is. World class players analyze their brilliancies and explain the ideas behind the moves to you, opening specialists present the latest trends in opening theory and offer exciting ideas for your repertoire. Master trainers in the fields of tactics, strategy, and the endgame show you the tricks and techniques a successful tournament player needs! DVD with several hours of video + booklet.Also available for download including the booklet in pdf!

 Your Top Grandmaster analyses
Anish Giri presents his best games with the Italian –  structures, strikes and lots of expertise!

Stars annotate
Wojtaszek, Harikrishna, Adams, Anton Guijarro, Hübner, Gelfand, Keymer et al.

1970 interzonal tournament Palma de Mallorca 1970
An extensive retrospect with game analyses + columns by Marin, Mueller and Reeh

The new choice of champions
Alexey Kuzmin checks out 6.Bf4 in the Ragozin Defence

An aggressive gambit against the Philidor
Spyros Kapnisis hits 4...Nbd7 with 5.g4!

“A game to remember for years to come!”
Rustam Kasimdzhanov dissects the epic endgame in Anand-Kramnik from the Legends

50 years ago - Fischer-Larsen 0-1!
Simon Williams analyses the American’s only defeat at the IZT 1970 “Move by move” (Interactive video)

Endgame special: rook endings with four pawns against three
A practical contribution by Thorsten Cmiel featuring 30 annotated examples!

Winning against 5.Bf4/7.c5 in the QGD
Michael Adams shows his model victory from Biel

Castling at your own risk!
Robert Ris red-flags 6.Ng5 and 7.h4 in the Anti-Sveshnikov


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