ChessBase Magazine 182
  • ChessBase Magazine 182

ChessBase Magazine 182

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ChessBase Magazine 182 (Février-Mars 2018).


ChessBase Magazine 182 (Février-Mars 2018). Périodique sur le jeu d'échecs en anglais.
1. Sharp attack on move 7: the Russian top-player Ian Nepomniachtchi shows you how he surprised former World Champion Vishy Anand at the London Chess Classic.
2. An important step to the title: Radjabov explains his strategic win against Movsesian at the European Team Championship on Crete.
3. Castling queenside to make short shrift: join Simon Williams and follow the attack in Morozevich-Ponomariov move by move!
4. “A funky line”: share the enthusiasm of IM Lawrence Trent for the rare 7.Nbd2 in the Classical Italian!
5. Important update: Michal Krasenkow presents new ideas and trends in the popular King's Indian with 6.h3.
6. An exciting game in the Scotch: enjoy Daniel King’s video analysis of the fantastic encounter Nakamura-Carlsen!
7. “Natural moves”: how are they linked to our positional understanding? Strategy expert Mihail Marin offers valuable practical tips!
8. Petroff Defence without risk: without risk: Dennis Breder shows how 8.Nbd2 is a guarantee to get a comfortable position.
9. Nobody saw it: trap expert Rainer Knaak presents an impressive collection of "missed chances“ in current tournament practice.
10. “Troizky line and Henry’s side-check”: let Karsten Müller show you what is important when checkmating with two knights vs pawn!
Bonus: Wesley So has annotated his win against Viswanathan Anand at the London Chess Classic!


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