• -25%
The Man Chess Made, Albert Beauregard Hodges
  • The Man Chess Made, Albert Beauregard Hodges

The United States Chess Championship, 1845–2011 3nd Ed, Andy Soltis

Référence : 102049
57,00 €
42,75 € -25%

Andy Soltis, The United States Chess Championship, 1845–2011 3nd Ed


Introduction 1
One 1845: A Champion Is Crowned 3
Two 1857: Paul Morphy 10
Three 1871–1889: The King Is a Captain 20
Four 1891–1906: The Years of Confusion 27
Five 1907–1936: The Champion Who Enjoyed It 36
Six The Reshevsky Years (1936–1942) 44
Seven The Postwar Years (1944–1954) 65
Eight The Fischer Era (1957–1969) 88
Nine Primus Inter Pares (1972–1979) 124
Ten The Russians Are Coming! (1980–1985) 153
Eleven Champions Galore (1986–1996) 175
Twelve Sponsor Shock (1997–2011) 215
U.S. Championship Summary 269
Individual Records 271
Openings Index 273
ECO Openings Index 274
General Index 275


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