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Ehlvest  - Grandmaster Opening Preparation (hardcover)
  • Ehlvest  - Grandmaster Opening Preparation (hardcover)

Ehlvest - Grandmaster Opening Preparation (hardcover)

Référence : 108566
30,00 €

Ehlvest  - Grandmaster Opening Preparation (hardcover). Livre en anglais sur les ouvertures au jeu d'échecs. There are hundreds of opening books available, full of deep...


Ehlvest  - Grandmaster Opening Preparation (hardcover). Livre en anglais sur les ouvertures au jeu d'échecs. Pour une fois, le titre est pertinent : c'est bien de la préparation des ouvertures au plus haut niveau que le champion estonien nous cause ici. Evolution des variantes (avec en particulier un long développement sur la Tarrasch), art de la surprise (à travers, entre autres, l'exemple des affrontements Kasparov - Anand), bon et mauvais usage de l'ordinateur, mémorisation des variantes... Intéressant à parcourir, mais seuls les très forts joueurs en tireront un vrai profit. There are hundreds of opening books available, full of deep analysis, but many of them fail to explain the reasons for choosing one computer line over another. And how top players distinguish between good and bad opening lines remains a mystery to most of the chess world.
Grandmaster Opening Preparation addresses such questions as how to balance computer preparation with human considerations, along with a wealth of practical advice on how to go about building the opening repertoire which is right for you. The book also provides an in-depth treatment of the evolution in understanding of Isolated Queen's Pawn positions, which will enable the reader to become more effective in a multitude of openings, with either colour.
Jaan Ehlvest is an Estonian-American grandmaster, a former Estonian Champion, and a former Soviet and European Junior Champion. Ehlvest is also an Olympiad Gold medallist and has been ranked in the top five in the world.


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