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Grivas - Grivas Method - Middlegame strategies. Livre en anglais sur le milieu de partie au jeu d'échecs. A responsible chess trainer is 'destined' to analyse, ...
Grivas - Grivas Method - Middlegame strategies. Livre en anglais sur le milieu de partie au jeu d'échecs. A responsible chess trainer is 'destined' to analyse, prepare and teach his/her trainees the plain truth and the difficult paths to chess excellence. Well, this is easier said than done, but of course nothing is really as difficult as it sometimes appears. When the responsible trainer knows what to do and how to do it, things get simpler and can be more easily absorbed by the trainee! And from time-to time the responsible trainer should reveal his work and his ways of teaching.
The book that you are holding in your hands is a kind of continuation of my previous work named 'Chess Analytics'. The basic concept is simple but quite effective: various surveys on all aspects of the game, covering and explaining unrevealed or poorly explained ideas and paths. In the present book a total of 40 concepts are deeply analysed. Well, nothing really too difficult, as the modern author has at his disposal powerful databases, tablebases, analysed material, books and - by adding his knowledge - you will get what you are looking for!
Today we have shorter time-controls and there isn't really enough time to dig into the subtleties of each ending. You have to know and to repeat knowledge; don't be carried away by the usual myth of the 'chess talent'. As I have repeatedly written and proved, 'talent is the excuse of the failed'. 'Unfortunately', the modern chess player is entitled and forced to work more than his predecessors.
The modern chess trainer also needs to prepare more delicate themes, understand them and then teach them to his students. So, there is plenty of room for everything and for everybody who is thirsty for knowledge. Knowledge is the key word. And knowledge is absorbed subconsciously; it is impossible to remember everything you study. So, it is highly important to work with good material and good trainers in order to improve towards the Chess Olympus.
Nowadays the help of the Silicon Monster (chess analysis engines) is quite valuable, as it can save an author countless hours of analysis and checking. But still the role of the qualified trainer remains important; he knows where the truth is - he knows what to keep and what to throw away... I do not want to hold a 'high nose' and claim that everything I have written is perfect and completely sound; I always think of the surprise factor and I just try to write honestly and with responsibility.
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Grivas - Grivas Method - Middlegame strategies. Livre en anglais sur le milieu de partie au jeu d'échecs. A responsible chess trainer is 'destined' to analyse, ...