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Davies - Opening Repertoire : Nimzo-Indian and Queen's Indian Defences
Référence : 112990The Nimzo-Indian Defence (1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 e6 3 Nc3 Bb4) and the Queen’s Indian Defence (1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 e6 3 Nf3 b6) are two classic systems for Black to meet 1 d4. They are popular at all levels and have been played by virtually every world champion. They enable Black to gain a firm foothold in the centre at an early stage and White is not permitted the easy space advantage that occurs with many other defences to 1 d4. Black does not seek to engage White in immediate battle but postpones conflict for the middlegame when an understanding of themes and plans will be paramount.
Nigel Davies - Opening Repertoire : Nimzo-Indian and Queen's Indian Defences. Livre en anglais sur l'ouverture Nimzo-Indian aux échecs.
The Nimzo-Indian Defence (1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 e6 3 Nc3 Bb4) and the Queen’s Indian Defence (1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 e6 3 Nf3 b6) are two classic systems for Black to meet 1 d4. They are popular at all levels and have been played by virtually every world champion. They enable Black to gain a firm foothold in the centre at an early stage and White is not permitted the easy space advantage that occurs with many other defences to 1 d4. Black does not seek to engage White in immediate battle but postpones conflict for the middlegame when an understanding of themes and plans will be paramount.
In Opening Repertoire: The Nimzo-Indian and Queen’s Indian Defences, highly experienced chess author and coach Nigel Davies guides the reader through the complexities of these two lines and carves out a repertoire for Black. He examines all aspects of these complex systems and provides the reader with well-researched, fresh, and innovative analysis. Each annotated game has valuable lessons on how to play the opening and contains instructive commentary on typical middlegame plans.
- A complete repertoire for Black against 1 d4.
- A question and answer approach provides an excellent study method.
Nigel Davies is an International Grandmaster, FIDE Senior Trainer and respected coach. He is the author of numerous books and DVDs on the game and is known for the clarity of his explanations.
Fiche technique
- Langue(s) :
- Anglais
- Nombre de pages :
- 365
- Auteur :
- Nigel Davies
- Éditeur :
- Everyman Chess
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