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Sundar - The Arkhangelsk Ruy Lopez - Repertoire For Black
Référence : 113436This book is a Black repertoire against the Ruy López. We will be focusing on the Arkhangelsk (Möller) Defence.In the modern world where computers keep getting stronger and stronger, openings need to be updated on a daily basis. After the emergence of NNUE engines, the style of play has changed drastically...
The Arkhangelsk Ruy Lopez - M. Shyam Sundar. Livre en anglais, répertoire d'ouverture avec les noirs contre la Ruy Lopez.
"I have worked with Shyam Sundar and know him to be a creative and diligent analyst. Here he gives you a combative working repertoire in the Ruy López. Study it critically and you will benefit from the unusual ideas he exposes you to. "
Viswanathan Anand, 15th World Chess Champion
"This book is a Black repertoire against the Ruy López. We will be focusing on the Arkhangelsk (Möller) Defence.
In the modern world where computers keep getting stronger and stronger, openings need to be updated on a daily basis. After the emergence of NNUE engines, the style of play has changed drastically. Players started to sacrifice material for long term compensation/initiative trying to pose as many practical problems as possible so that it becomes difficult for opponents to solve all the problems over-the-board in the given time control.
So let me explain what I have done in the book you are holding in your hands, dear readers. Please, do not get carried away with the computer’s assessment all the time! We should not forget that we are not playing correspondence chess where the opponent has lots of time to ponder and refute our lines! In a tournament game, it is a different scenario! I believe it is important to choose the openings/positions where we feel comfortable. It is equally important to choose and study some model games in the openings we play.
I would like to quote one of my favourite sayings that had been on my mind ever since I have signed this project. One individual may die for an idea, but that idea will, after his death, incarnate itself in a thousand lives - Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose. The same way, ideas suggested in this book may die at some point or the other. However, I hope that the approach behind the moves may not die! Dear readers, I hope you will enjoy my work and if you like you can also adapt the modern-day approach of working on openings. Good luck on your chess journey!"
GM M. Shyam Sundar
Fiche technique
- Langue(s) :
- Anglais
- Nombre de pages :
- 181
- Auteur :
- Shyam Sundar
- Éditeur :
- Chess Informant
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