Victor Mikhalevski - Beating Minor Openings - Hard Cover
  • Victor Mikhalevski - Beating Minor Openings - Hard Cover
  • Victor Mikhalevski - Beating Minor Openings - Hard Cover
  • Victor Mikhalevski - Beating Minor Openings - Hard Cover

Victor Mikhalevski - Beating Minor Openings - Hard Cover

Référence : 106930
33,00 €

Beating Minor Openings by Victor Mikhalevski. Livre de 584p. Couverture rigide.


Beating Minor Openings by Victor Mikhalevski. Livre de 584p. Couverture rigide. Et vlan, le pavé Quality Chess du mois… Le “mineur” du titre est à prendre dans un sens très extensif, puisqu’il signifie tout sauf 1.e4 et 1.d4. En bref, voici donc un tiers de répertoire noir, consacré à l’Anglaise (l’auteur conseille 1.c4 e5 2.Cc3 Fb4 ou 2.g3 c6) et à la Reti. Pour l’approche, c’est un Grandmaster Repertoire, donc vous devez commencer à bien connaître la formule. Beating Minor Openings offers a world-class repertoire for Black against every sensible first move apart from 1.d4 and 1.e4. GM Victor Mikhalevski advocates an ambitious approach for Black, with the aim of occupying the centre and fighting for an advantage, rather than mere equality, wherever possible. The most critical moves covered are 1.c4 and 1.Nf3. Against the latter, Mikhalevski supplies a range of replies to allow for transpositions to most queen’s pawn openings. In a review of Mikhalevski’s previous book for Quality Chess, IM John Cox commented: “Given the goal the book has set itself, I don’t believe the job could have been done better.” Victor Mikhalevski is the reigning Israeli Champion and is renowned as a leading theoretician.



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Éditeur :
Quality chess
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