MARTIN - First Steps: The Caro-Kann
  • MARTIN - First Steps: The Caro-Kann

MARTIN - First Steps: The Caro-Kann

Référence : 108358
27,00 €

MARTIN, Andrew - First Steps: The Caro-Kann. Livre en anglais sur les ouvertures au jeu d'échecs. Deuxième First Steps du mois pour les courageux qui ont envie...


MARTIN, Andrew - First Steps: The Caro-Kann. Livre en anglais sur les ouvertures au jeu d'échecs. Deuxième First Steps du mois pour les courageux qui ont envie de se lancer dans la Caro. L'auteur a joué honnêtement le jeu du survol global : toutes les variantes un peu importantes sont traitées, inévitablement en surface, mais le sérieux des commentaires permettra quand même au novice de se faire une bonne idée de l'ouverture. The Caro-Kann Defence arises after the moves 1 e4 c6. With this first move Black (as is also the case with the French Defence - 1 e4 e6) plans 2 ... d5, establishing a well-protected central pawn. The Caro-Kann has a reputation as a rock solid defence that minimises the risk of Black being subjected to undue early pressure. Rather than inviting the opponent to engage in immediate warfare, Black focuses on completing development comfortably and postponng the serious battle until the middlegame. It is notable that the White systems which try to batter the Caro-Kann into early submission are highly double-edged and often rebound badly. First Steps is a new opening series and is ideal for improving players who want simple and straightforward explanations. First Steps emphasizes: * the basic principles * the basic strategies * the key tricks and traps First Steps books are based around carefully selected instructive games which demonstrate exactly what both sides are trying to achieve. There is enough theory to enable the improving player to get to grips with the opening without feeling overwhelmed. If you want to take up a new opening, First Steps is the ideal place to start.


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