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Opening Repertoire....c6: Playing the caro-Kann and Slav
  • Opening Repertoire....c6: Playing the caro-Kann and Slav

Opening Repertoire....c6: Playing the caro-Kann and Slav

Référence : 107414
30,00 €

Lakdwala & Kiewra - Opening Repertoire....c6: Playing the caro-Kann and Slav. Le titre le plus court de l'année... Bon, c'est un Opening Repertoire,...


Lakdwala & Kiewra - Opening Repertoire....c6: Playing the caro-Kann and Slav. Le titre le plus court de l'année... Bon, c'est un Opening Repertoire, mais pour la forme, ça ressemble tout à fait aux Move by Move que vous connaissez désormais par c½ur. Et vous vous en doutez, c'est moitié Caro-Kann et moitié... ah, faisons quand même durer le suspense... moitié Semi-Slave ! Comme c'est un répertoire, les auteurs ont pris quelques échappatoires (variante d'avance de la Caro...) mais ils vous envoient quand même droit dans la Méran. This book provides a rock solid opening repertoire for Black, using systems based on the move ...c6. The backbone of this repertoire is the Caro-Kann versus 1 e4 and the Semi-Slav (via a Slav move order) versus 1 d4. In general these systems aim to neutralise White's early initiative. They aim for success by the gradual accumulation of small advantages, rather than by emerging victorious from an early tactical melee (which is rather problematic with the black pieces at the best of times).
The book is co-authored by Cyrus Lakdawala and Keaton Kiewra and takes a teacher/student format. The "student" Keaton Kiewra is a very strong international master with two grandmaster norms. He normally specialises in razor-sharp defences such as the Sicilian Dragon and King's Indian. Now he wants to broaden his style and develop his skills at handling more sedate positions. His "teacher" is Cyrus Lakdawala, an extremely experienced player, coach and author, who guides Keaton along the learning path.
    Everything you need to know to defend with Black systems based on ...c6.
    The Q and A approach emphasizes plans and strategies.
    Written by an expert on the Caro-Kann and Semi-Slav Defences


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