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Grivas - Monster Your Endgame Planning Vol. 1
  • Grivas - Monster Your Endgame Planning Vol. 1
  • Grivas - Monster Your Endgame Planning Vol. 1
  • Grivas - Monster Your Endgame Planning Vol. 1

Grivas - Monster Your Endgame Planning Volume 1

Référence : 110231
24,95 €

Grivas - Monster Your Endgame Planning Vol. 1. Livre en anglais sur les finales au jeu d'échecs. 150 years ago the quality of played end games was quite low, as chess-players were reaching it quite rarely! As strategy and manoeuvres were starting  to  overcome  tactics,  more  and  more  endgames  were  suddenly  seen. So, a need for endgame material was essential. It  is  considered  the  first  systemat-ic  book  in  English  on  the  endgame  phase of the game of chess.


Grivas - Monster Your Endgame Planning Vol. 1. Livre en anglais sur les finales au jeu d'échecs. 150 years ago the quality of played end games was quite low, as chess-players were reaching it quite rarely! As strategy and manoeuvres were starting  to  overcome  tactics,  more  and  more  endgames  were  suddenly  seen. So, a need for endgame material was essential. It  is  considered  the  first  systemat-ic  book  in  English  on  the  endgame  phase of the game of chess.


Fiche technique

Langue(s) :
Nombre de pages :
Auteur :
Efstratios Grivas.
Éditeur :
Chess Evolution.
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